The real reason teachers, unions and the anti-freedom parties of our political spectrum are so vehemently opposed to the establishment of Charter schools is not because of any concern for the students involved, but because they fell threatened. Threatened that their one size fits all world of state run education might be challenged, that their way is not the only way.
It is the parents who should be free to decide how their children are educated. How would maori language schools have developed if we had the view that teaching by English was the only way.
The possibility of Charter school teachers and their pupils being ostracised by unions and state run schools is appalling, ignorant and discriminatory. Surely if these schools work, and there is a mountain of evidence that they can, in transitioning children with special learning requirements, not catered for by the state, then that should be applauded.
Instead opponents are taking the normal socialist anti-freedom stance of being anti everything which might mean people choosing for themselves.
More power to the Charter schools and their challenging of the norm I say.
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